Interlocking Pavers: The Best Choice for Your Driveway in Vaughan and the GTA


When it comes to choosing a material to pave your driveway in Vaughan or anywhere in the GTA, interlocking pavers are one of the best options to consider. Offering durability, style, and long-lasting value, interlocking pavers have many benefits over materials like asphalt, concrete, or gravel.

Durability That Lasts

Made from concrete or clay and designed to lock together, interlocking pavers can withstand decades of vehicle traffic, extreme weather fluctuations from Toronto winters to hot summer days, and other heavy use. They won't crack, pit, sink, or slide out of place like other materials. Properly installed and maintained, an interlocking paver driveway can keep going strong for over 25 years.

Customizable Style

With numerous shape, color, texture, and pattern options available, interlocking pavers allow you to customize the look of your driveway. You can match your home's style, create borders or accents, and design unique patterns that complement your outdoor space. This creative flexibility isn't an option with traditional poured concrete.

Permeability and Drainage

Interlocking pavers have joints between them that allow water to drain through to the subsurface below. This prevents puddling on the driveway surface and also reduces problems with runoff and erosion compared to materials like asphalt. Their permeability makes them a good environmental choice.

Value That Lasts

While the upfront cost of interlocking pavers may be more than some other driveway materials, their long lifetime, minimal maintenance requirements, and ability to increase resale value make them a worthwhile investment. As a high-quality hardscaping feature, an interlocking paver driveway can even increase your home's property value.

Easy Repairs

Minor settlement issues or damages can be repaired quickly and cost-effectively with interlocking pavers. Only the affected pavers need to be removed and replaced, without tearing up the entire driveway. Compared to asphalt or concrete, they are much simpler to maintain over decades of use.

Safety and Accessibility

The slip-resistant, even surface provided by interlocking pavers makes them safer for walking and driving access in any weather. Their stability is also crucial for wheelchair, walker, and scooter accessibility on the driveway.

Design Flexibility

Interlocking pavers offer diverse options when it comes to shapes, styles, colors, patterns, and textures to match your home and landscape design tastes perfectly. From modern to old world classic and everything between, you can customize both the beauty and functionality of your driveway.

Climate Resilience

The permeability and drainage capabilities of these pavers provide resilience against extreme weather events. They can capture, drain and filter rainwater on site instead of contributing to municipal stormwater runoff systems. Their durability also withstands freeze-thaw cycles in winter and urban heat island effects in summer.


Made from local natural materials like clay and aggregate, interlocking pavers are considered a green building product, especially when concrete options include recycled content. They have low carbon footprint compared to other paving materials while also being reusable and recyclable at end of life.

When it's time to replace your old asphalt or concrete driveway, or pave a new one, interlocking pavers are clearly the best choice. Contact the paving stone experts at Artech Landscaping and Construction to discuss the many versatile interlocking paver options for creating your ideal, long-lasting driveway.

Choose Artech Landscaping and Construction: 

Landscaping and driveway interlocking pavers business from 23 years of experience. All-in-One Package including design, materials and professional installation. Only employing materials of the greatest caliber. Licensed and insured contractor. Satisfaction guarantee on all of our work.